音乐,是人生最大的快乐。 冼星海
我的科学成就很多是从音乐启发而来的。 爱因斯坦
The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, "Is there a meaning to music?" My answer would be, "Yes." And "Can you state in so many words what the meaning is?" My answer to that would be, "No."-- Aaron Copland
音乐家必须不断地反身自省,培养自己最内在的东西,以便使它转向外界。 歌德
Hell is a half-filled auditorium.-- Robert Frost
音乐是万德胚胎的源泉。不为音乐所动的人,我必定把他比做木石。假使身充教师而不会唱歌,那简直没有为人师表的资格。 马丁·路德
We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.-- Decca Recording Company, rejecting the Beatles, 1962
世界在音乐中得到了完整的再现和表达。它是各种艺术当中第一位的,帝王式的艺术,能够成为音乐那样,则是一切艺术的目的。 叔本华
让自由的艺术和音乐本身美的规律冲破技术的樊篱,给思想和心灵以自由。 海顿
Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.-- Samuel Butler
生活的苦难压不垮我,我心中的欢乐不是我个人的,我把欢乐注入音乐,为的是让全世界感到欢乐。 莫扎特