

  Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.– Thomas Edison, Inventor「坐立不安与不满是进步的第一要件。」– 汤玛斯'爱迪生 (发明家)

  By sharing everything, you encourage the discussion, exchange and re-interpretation of ideas, which can lead to unexpected and innovative outcomes.– Susan Wojcicki, Google Senior Vice President of Advertising & Commerce「透过分享每件事,你将促进不同想法的讨论、交流及重新解读,而这将引领创新及意料之外的结果。」– 苏珊'沃西基 (资深副总裁)

  If you have a problem, you’ve got to solve it. Because that problem is going to get bigger in six months. It could get bigger in two years. But it’s not going to get smaller with time.– Mary Barra, CEO「如果你有一个问题,你必须解决它,因为那个问题将在 6 个月内变大,它可在 2 年内变得更大,它不会随着时间变小。」– 玛丽'芭拉 (执行长)

  Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it’s a really good thing to remember.– Ginni Rometty, CEO「有人告诉我成长与舒适无法并存,我相信这值得记住。」– 吉妮'罗曼媞 (执行长)

  We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. Keep going day in and out. Concentrate on something useful. Having decided to achieve a task, achieve it at all costs.– Arnold Bennett, Novelist「我们不会有更多的时间,我们拥有,一直都拥有,所有可用的时间。托延至下周甚至是明天,都不会有任何好处。每天持续,集中心力在有用的事,一旦决定完成一个任务,不计代价的去完成它。」– 阿诺德'本内特 (小说家)



