

  Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve!– Andrew Carnegie, Industrialist「想像自己是在空前的成功边缘,一个全然清楚、辉煌的人生在前方等着你。去实现它!」– 安德鲁'卡内基 (工业家)

  It’s always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile.– Garry Marshall, Director「从错误中学习总是有益的,你的错误将因此变得值得。」– 盖瑞'马歇尔 (导演)

  To think we are able is almost to be so; to determine upon attainment is frequently attainment itself; earnest resolution has often seemed to have about it almost a savor of omnipotence.– Samuel Smiles, Motivational Writer「认为自己可以几乎就真的可以,决定达到通常就可以达到,下定决心让我们几乎成为万能。」– 山姆尔'史迈尔斯 (励志作家)

  Idleness begets ennui, ennui the hypochondriac, and that a diseased body. No laborious person was ever yet hysterical.– Thomas Jefferson, Third U.S. President「闲怠使人无聊,无聊招致疑病症,而疑病症导致生病。努力工作的人不曾歇斯底里。」– 汤玛斯'杰佛逊 (美国第三任总统)

  I have done what I could do in life, and if I could not do better, I did not deserve it. In vain have I tried to step beyond what bound me. Despite my years, I am still trying!– Maurice Maeterlinck, Writer「我已经做了我能做的,我若无法做得更好,那便不是我应得的。我还无法走出限制我的框架,我虽然年迈,但我仍在尝试!」– 莫里斯.梅特林克 (作家)



