

经典有关谦虚的座右铭we should not be born in the eyes of the head, to use his foot broken we would like to dezhi yu sky things. -- feng xuefeng
• make progress with an open mind, the pride of people behind, we should always remember this truth. -- mao zedong
• we can not have a success, as the ball, others can not shoot, qingqingyipai, jump lao gao. the greater achievements, the more we should be modest and prudent. -- wang jinxi
• "proud" of the word i have some doubts. all a bit motivated, a bit of ability, he always believe in themselves, are a bit assertive person. the more assertive person, the more self-confidence. this is not bad. is a proud, if put appropriate posts, he will be modest, or else he hunbuxiaqu. -- deng xiaoping
• a proud people, always proud of the results in the destruction of their own. -- shakespeare
• all too lucky to do their own due to the clever and resourcefulness is the outcome most of the people is v



