

ery unfortunate. -- francis bacon
• modesty is indispensable virtues. -- montesquieu
• guard against exaggeration puzhang. instead of saying too, as is right incomplete. -- lev tolstoy •
• success of the first condition is true with an open mind on all bizhouzizhen of their own prejudices, as long as that conflict with the truth and are willing to give up. -- spencer
• humble soldiers can make a more beautiful. -- aositeluo夫斯基
• nationals in the most difficult to overcome the feelings of pride to a few, how do you put it with a new form, with the struggle to make it defeated, and eliminate the flutter, shame and a disgrace, it will tanchu head, himself. -- franklin
• when we are very humble, we have a great time in the last. -- rabindranath tagore
• own any art is a kind of destruction. proud of a terrible misfortune. -- dimitrov
• genuine modesty of vanity can only be carried out after careful consideration o



