

  while you may find that doing a straightforward math problem in the context of an interview is a bit tougher, you can see that it is just a matter of breaking the problem down. we are looking for both your ability to set the analysis up properly and then to do the math in real time.


  q: in order to decide whether to reduce costs at the least efficient schools (i.e., those with an average cost per hire of $2,000), what else would you want to know?

  a: some of the possible answers are given below.

  basic questions:

  · what are the components of costs at these schools (why is it so expensive to recruit there)?

  · what opportunities exist to reduce costs?

  · how much cost savings would result from implementing each of the opportunities?

  · what consequences would implementing each of these opportunities have on recruiting at the least efficient schools?

  questions demonstrating further insight:



