

er’s stone, Ron and Hermione made their great efforts to help him without hesitation. What I had to mention on their ways to getting the stone were Ron’s wonderful wizard chess and Hermione’s brilliant logic to the tough puzzle. When playing chess, Ron showed his courage. He risked his life and he even had willingness to sacrifice for the victory of the game. His fearless spirit really moved me a lot. Misfortune never comes singly; the next problem was the tough puzzle. Hermione demonstrated her great breadth of learning and gave a correct answer. She was a real intellectual. Thanks to their selfless help, Harry could win the last victory.
  ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ They three held connotation of the word ‘friend’ and willing to pay for friendship at any cost. Their inner love for each other presented without reservation. Contrary to them, the evil man in the novel—Lord Voldemort. Being cruel, guileful, unscrupulous, he committed all manners of crimes including m



