姓名:_______________________ 学号______________________ 身份证号_______________________________
申请人保证/I Hereby Affirm That:
1. 申请过程中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误;
All information and materials given for application for study abroad are true and correct.
2. 赴海外期间,遵守海外的法律、法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的、与本人赴海外学习身份不符合的活动;
During my stay overseas, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the overseas government, and will not participate in any activities overseas which are deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student.
3. 赴海外后服从经济与管理学院所安排的就读院校和学习专业,不得无故要求变更学校和所学专业;
I will agree to the arrangements of my institution and specialty of study overseas made by SEM, and will not apply for any changes in these two fields without valid reasons.
4. 在学期间,遵守学校的校纪、校规,全力投入学习和研究工作。尊重学校的教学安排;
During my study aboard, I shall abide the rules and regulations of the host and home university, and concentrate on my studies and researches, and follow the teaching programs arranged by the university.