5. 按照规定参加经济与管理学院年度评审;
I shall go through the procedures of the Annual Review of SEM as required.
6. 按规定期限修完学业,按期回国,不无故在海外滞留;
I shall return to my home country as soon as I complete my scheduled program overseas, and will not extend my stay without valid reasons.
7. 如违反上述保证而受到海外国家的法律、法规或校纪、校规的惩处,我愿意接受经济与管理学院相应的处罚。
If I am judged by the laws overseas and decrees and the rules and regulations of the university as having violated any of the above, I will not lodge any appeal against the decision of SEM on penalties.
申请人签字/Signature of the Applicant:____________________________ 日期/Date:___________
(无此签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature)