

five, fifth: acknowledge the big wedding matchma-ki-ng

六、婚礼六项: 向来宾行新婚大礼

six, sixth: the wedding guests line wedding gift

七、婚礼七项: 夫妻对拜

seven, seventh: wedding couples worship

八、婚礼八项: 宣读结婚誓言

eight, eighth: read the wedding vows

九、婚礼九项: 男方亲属代表向新人致贺词

nine, ninth: the wedding relatives represents a new to send speech of congratulation

十、婚礼十项: 女方亲属代表向新人致贺词

ten, tenth: the wedding relatives represents a new to send speech of congratulation

十一、婚礼十一项: 婚礼特邀嘉宾向新人致贺词

eleven, eleventh: wedding wedding guest new to send speech of congratulation

十二、婚礼十二项: 新郎致答谢词

twelve, twelfth: wedding groom to thank words

十三、婚礼十三项: 新娘致答谢词

thirteen, thirteenth: wedding bride to answer thanks

十四、婚礼十四项: 证婚人向新人致贺词

fourteen, fourteenth: wedding witnenew to send speech of congratulation

十五、婚礼十五项: 男方父母致辞

fifteen, fifteenth: the bridegroom's side parents wedding speech

十六、婚礼十六项: 女方父母致词

sixteen, sixteenth: her parents wedding speech



