

.i want to assure mr. smith that we will all give him our support in his efforts.我想向史密斯先保证,我们每个人对他的努力将给予支持。

.it is my pleasure and honor to welcome back mr. smith who has been in canada for the past three years.过去三史密斯先生都在加拿大,我很高兴也很荣幸来欢迎他回。

.please go ahead before it gets cold.趁热吃。

.thank you for your kindness.谢谢你的一番盛情。

.i’m very happy that i’ve come back to taiwan.我很高兴我回到台湾了。

.i had long been looking forward to coming back.我老早就期待着回来。

.i’m very grateful to you for all your kindness.你的厚意我非常感激。

.i have no words with which to thank you for holding this welcome party for me.我不知要用什么话来感谢你们为我办这个欢迎会。

.i don’t know how i can thank you sufficiently for holding this welcome party for me.你们为我办这个聚会,我不知道要如何才足以表示我的谢意。

.on behalf of all my fellow students from taiwan i wish to say a word of hearty thank



