、(莲)the world is full of the love, each of us has our own love. and what is your love ? please enjoy chen haiying 《my love》. he would answer the question .
(凤)dear audiences: hand in hand, our friendship will be forever; hand in hand, our life will become more beautiful; hand in hand, our world will become more peaceful. let us 《hand in hand》
、 (凤) 你知道近几非常流行的一种大众化的舞蹈是什么吗?
(莲) 我知道。这种舞蹈粗犷豪放、刚劲有力,着力表现青少青春活力的阳刚之美。
(莲) 对,现在就请欣赏街舞《 e 镞 boy 》
、 (凤) 同学们,节目已经进行了一半,看到的都是学生的身影.我们的老师也是多才多艺的,大家想不想欣赏老师的表演?,