

  Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.

  1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.

  Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.

  The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have spanerging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the same organizational goal.

  2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.

  The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association



