

  The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.

  7、Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.

  Background: On one morning when our promotion month first began, I found that the inventories in some department stores were not adequate.

  My assessment of the situation: The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and the time they opened was not the same. It was possible to fetch some stock from another store and made up for it later.

  The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the largest number of customers.

  8、Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.

  Background: In the inverstigation of customers’ opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of the responsers’ choices.



