

  D during checkpointing, updated disk blocks are written to disk

  E none of the above

  13 There is a huge relation R(A,B,C) of size M and A is the primary key. The tuples in R are sorted by using A and no index is built for R. Each disk block size of b, and each block read takes N seconds. To find a tuple in R with A =17954 the estimated optimized cost is

  A M*N/b

  B N*log(M/b)

  C M*N/(2b)

  D (M+N)/b

  E log(M*N)/b

  14 Which of the following descriptions of reader/writer locks are/is wrong?

  A caller cannot upgrade its read lock(already obtained) to write lock

  B caller can downgrade its write lock(already obtained) to read lock

  C caller can get read lock if there is no write lock held by others

  D multiple callers can hold a read lock at the same time

  E only one caller can hold a write lock at a time

  15 两页的内存,四页的文件,读取顺序为 1 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 1,FIFO,问cache hit ratio为多少



