

  10.Fuck the miles. Fuck them. I'll be here and you'll be there and we'll be just long distance. 天各一方又如何, 我在这里,你在那里,我们远远的相恋就是了。

  11.If you came into my life then I believe you won't leave;but if you leave, I will move on as you never been here before.你来,信你不会走;你走,我当你没来。

  12.If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

  13.If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some.要想知道钱的价值,就想办法去借钱试试。

  14.Life must have crack, sunshine can according to come in.生命必须有裂缝,阳光才能照进来。

  15.I learn to give, not because I have too much, but I know not all what it is.我学会了去给予,不是因为我拥有的太多,而是因为我知道一无所有是什么滋味。

  16.Sometimes the people who don't talk to you are the ones that really want to.www.mywenzhang.com 有时候从不跟你说话的人往往是最想和你说话的人。

  17.Choosing to be single isn't selfish, it's just smarter to be alone than to be with the WRONG person.单身不是自私的选择,而是比和错的人在一起更明智的选择。

  18.Love is a form of amnesia. It's when a girl forgets there are 1.2 billion other guys in the world. 爱是一种健忘症。它是让一个女孩子忘记了世上还有12亿其他男孩子。



