


一、 I am not how free and easy, nor is it how sad, I'm just used to silence.我不是有多洒脱,也不是有多难过,我只是习惯沉默。

二、 I deserted for half a century did not wait for my followers.我荒芜了半个世纪也没有等到我的信徒。

三、 I am not sad that you leave, just sad a dialogue.我不是难过你的离开,只是难过一个人对白。

四、 Wait until you lose no loss to know what lives in retaliation.等到你失无可失,就知道什么叫不要命的报复。

五、 It's good if you begin crying, that's the sign of cure. 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征。

六、 I‘m singing a torch song for her我单恋她.

七、 The so-called love, let me look, when I was afraid. 所谓爱情,让我期待,当我害怕。

八、 Is not joking and Meng Po was a lover. A pull the Qingsi of. A broken Red.是不是月老和孟婆曾是情人。一个牵了情丝。一个断了红尘。

九、 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 。我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是由于我爱好与你在一起时的感到。

十、 my love is disappear 我的爱消失了。



