
名人名言 2018-12-04王华老师

幸运就是为机会做准备的过程。 罗马哲学家赛尼加

How well do you think you will perform on a date, job interview, or sporting event if your thoughts are filled with reasons you will fail? The odds would not be in your favor. The best athletes see themselves winning a game long before it starts. The best stage actors imagine an audience exploding with laughter and applause before they set foot on stage. If you’re going to a job interview, imagine how thoughtful your responses will be during your drive. If you’re preparing for a date, imagine how classy/handsome/sexy/funny the other person will find you while you get dressed. You must first see success happen before you can make it happen.


3. Focus on the Positive


The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself. – Douglas MacArthur



