27. 突围困难 make breakthrough out of difficulty
28. 许多问题 a host of/a multitude of problems
29. 引起人们的注意 attract general/public attention to sth.
30. 意识到 there is a growing awareness that;
31. 随 着 物 价 和 房 租 迅 速 上 升 with the prices and house rents increasing rapidly
32. 人 均 收 入 迅 速 提 高 average personal income increase rapidly
33. 人 口 的 出 生 率 已 经 大 大 下 降 there has been a great decline in birth rates
34. 人民生活改善 the improvement in people’s living conditions
35. 改革开放政策 the reform and opening-up policy
36. 国民经济正在迅速发展 there has been a rapid expansion of national economy
37. 出生率已得到控制 the birth rate has been put on the control
38. 对……的生存造成显著的威胁 cause the most significant threat to the survival of …
39. 日益增长的需求 ever-increasing demand
40. 满足人民日益增长的需求 meet the growing needs of people
41. 死亡率/出生率 death rates; birth rates
42. 医疗保健的改革 the improvement in medical care