



  Same here. 我也是

  What is she up to? 她准备干什么?

  Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters年轻人,未来是个未知数

  You got eyes, use them. 眼见为实,看看吧

  Coming right up. 马上来

  in the meantime 同时

  Don't strain yourself, slick. 不要太过分了,小滑头

  It's been wild 有点疯狂

  Hard to keep track of it all, I bet. 我想说,很难了解这些

  Get your head in the game! 全身心投入比赛

  Let's run it back. 再来一场

  You might want to think this one out.你必须考虑清楚

  Have blonde hair and wear designer flip-flops. 有一头金发,穿着时髦时装

  I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn. 我真的不想看到我姐姐在那里怒气冲天

  what was your favourite summer memory?你最美好的暑假回忆是什么?

  I gotta make bank.我得去赚钱

  we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.我们不打不相识,但是你真没有在意

  We're not busy or anything. 我们没什么



