

legend that a hound used to kill people in Baskerville families and it is at large in the "gloomy marsh" now.Sherlock is not going to Baskerville to deal with the case by himself. Instead, he send Doctor Waston there to search as much information as he can.In fact ,Sherlo-ck himself is also in Baskerville, hidden in the swamp in order not to be suspected. That is just a surprise which the writer gives us. The cry from the maid in the dark and some fragments of a letter add more terror to the story.So you can see that Kolan Doyle is good at filling his novel with excitements and dismissing any detail.

The Hound of Baskervilles is my favorite story of the Sherlock Hol-mes series, not just because of the exciting storyline but also beca-use of the courage Mr.Holmes shows.Why Holmes can always discover thetruth?Where is his courage from? I suppose that Mr.Holmes has a

strong brief in justice. "Justice triumphs in the end", you know. Thejustice from your heart can always defeat the evil and lead you to a bright life.



