

  Early sow, early mow. 播种早的收获早。

  Every bullet has its billet. 无风不起浪。

  Every cloud has a silver lining. 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

  Every cock crows on its own dunghill. 夜郎自大。

  Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

  Fair and softly go far in a day. 谦和稳重,前程远大。

  Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. 困难见友情。

  False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。

  Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。

  Gifts from enemies are dangerous. 敌人礼,藏危险。

  Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无词。

  Give a fool rope enough and he will hang himself. 授绳与愚,愚能自傅。

  Give a lark to catch a kite. 得不偿失。

  God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助之。

  God never shuts one door but he opens another. 天无绝人之路。

  God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助之。



