26、for once,i don't regret the day before it begins. 这一次 我没有为拂晓的褪去而惋惜
27、for over a century,I have lived in secret.一个世纪以来,我都秘密地活着。
28、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年
29、I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我余生都不会再碰车了。
30、He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line.他跟我们不是一个世界里的人。
31、fly free,walk on sunshine and all that stuff随便逛逛,在阳光下走走,诸如此类的。
32、This is Logan Fell come to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with braking news.这是来自LF的现场直播。
33、She was really involved in the founder's council 她和创建者协会很有渊源
34、He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. 他跟我们不是一个世界里的人。