
名人名言 2018-12-04才子老师

1. The sting of a reproach is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。

2. He that does what he should not, shall feel what he would not. 若做了不应该做的事,则将产生自己所不希望有的感觉。

3. All mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。

4. It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. 自欺是世上最易之事。

5. It’s easier to prevent bad habits than to break them. 防止染上恶习远比消除恶习容易。

6. How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults. or resolution enough to mend them! 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心。

7. Trick and treachery are the practice if fools;they have not wit enough to be honest. 傻瓜习惯于诡计和背判的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人

8. Let our fathers and grandfathers be &#118alued for their goodness, ourselves for our own. 让父亲和祖辈因他们的善行受到尊重,让我们因我们自己的善行受到尊重。

9. Thirst after desert, not reward. 渴求美德而非奖赏。

10. If thou injure conscience, it will have its revenge on thee. 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。

11. None but the well-bred man knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself in an error. 唯有有教养者方知如何承认错误,或意识到自己行为。



