

  After watching the film Becoming Jane played by Anne Hathaway and reading the book Sense and Sensibility , I feel complicated because it seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility. The book could be regarded as her real story or someone else’s. Who knows? Love and sense are enemies at any age.
  There was an important person in her career, the authoress Mrs Radeliffe whose novels were filled with romance, danger and terror, anything her life was not.
  At that time, a woman’s dream of being an authoress was not so easy to come true. As if the writing a woman did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour. And people thought having a wife with a literary reputation was nothing short of scandalous. But with an independent thought, she made it!
  In her love world, there were two men. One was Tom Lefroy, a handso



